OHS Training for Managers in the Construction Industry

On a construction site, managers play a key role in achieving good work health and safety performance.

To date, OHS Team has trained more than 500 construction managers across Quebec. Our training was developed specifically by health and safety specialists in the construction industry to meet the specific needs of site managers.

Training content :

  • Presentation of health and safety results in Quebec.
  • Introduction to OHS laws, regulations and standards in Quebec.
  • Bill C-21: How to do due diligence?
  • Health and safety, a sure bet!
  • OSH is communicated.
  • Introduction to risk analysis.
  • Call to action.
  • Implementation of S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) corrective measures

This training is given by a specialist in OSH management on construction sites.

Our certified trainers offer this training free of charge to our customers on the sites where we work. The training structure is based on concrete concepts and real situations. Each training module lasts about an hour and can be given individually, which is ideal for a lunch and learn format.


Here are some comments we received :


Éric, Industrial Mechanic Supervisor:

Finally, a training that gives the real facts. It should be given to all supervisors by the CCQ."

Marc, Pipe fitting Foreman:

This training should be given in school… Very good training, competent trainer, great training day, our time wasn’t wasted. Bravo, don’t stop, good job!!

Denis, Carpenter Foreman:

Targeted training as it is in real life. Thank you!

Jean-Frédéric, Mechanical Engineer in Construction Management:

Very well-organized training that reflects the challenges of construction.” & “Thank you for the tools and intervention strategies, very relevant."

Steeve, Steel Fitter Foreman:

"Dynamic and competent trainer. Very well-done training that talks about the real things. Great, keep up the good work!"
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